Monday, May 31, 2010

Here is a picture of these great reusable produce bags I found at a health food store in Moncton. I was very excited to find these as it always hurts me to still have to use plastic bags at the bulk food store.
The sad part of this story is that a certain Canadian bulk food store which I shop at told me I can not use these because of their policies. The policy is that they do not allow anything into the store from "the outside". It is a health regulation.
Hmmm, nothing in from the outside, so what about my clothes? my hands? I know lets just not allow people to go in to this store!
Truly, this is a step backwards. Fortunately, other bulk food stores do accept these. It is just sad that this particular store is the only game in town where I live at the moment. The woman who supplies these wonderful bags to the New Brunswick area told me she used them for months at this particular Canadian bulk food store which I will not mention it's name. One day the lady at the counter told her that she couldn't use them because they weigh more than the plastic bags. (which they do not actually.) So they can't even get their reasons why you are not allowed to use them straight!
Oh well, I will try to use them at the grocery store to bag my fruit, if that doesn't work I will use them for sprouting.
Here is a link to the HYP-Bag website if anyone is interested.

Friday, May 28, 2010

A pub and a gas station together at last! What could possibly go wrong?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Black Lawn Jockey

Sadly, not the only black lawn jockey I have seen in these here parts. Who still thinks this is a stylish addition to one's yard? this person apparently, and like I said there are others!